About a Dog - Man's Best Friend

May 20, 2024
What Can You Do?

A more personal post written by Wayne on April 12, 2024:

“Man’s best friend.” I had always dismissed it as a silly punchline. Apparently, this expression was first used by King Frederick II of Prussia before he died in 1786. He said: “the only, absolute and best friend a man has, in this selfish world, the only one that will not betray or deny him, is his dog.” But lately, I have been thinking about this punchline. You see, my dog “Cash” (short for Johnny Cash), passed away last week. Even worse, he had cancer and I had to have him euthanized. He was a thirteen-year-old Red Merle Australian Shepard. Cash was my 10th and best dog. I can mark my entire life by the lifespans of all my dogs. I have always loved dogs, and I not so jokingly have mentioned I prefer the company of a dog to many humans. Man's best friend “is a common phrase used to describe domestic dogs referring to their multi-millennia long history of close relations, loyalty, friendship, and companionship with humans.” But why dogs? Why not cats, pigs, monkeys, or parrots?

I knew dogs were “social pack animals thriving off attention and affection.” I also knew dogs became domesticated by humans over thousands of years. And boy, do dogs like to cuddle with us as a sign of their affection and love. Scientifically speaking, the cuddling releases oxytocin which is sometimes called the “love or happy hormone.” “When your dog cuddles with you, it makes them feel happy and secure, and it also strengthens your bond with them.” I don’t know about you, but every time I opened my front door, Cash was waiting at the door, wiggling his tiny tail and his entire butt, crying a little, and always excited to see me, which made me feel like a million bucks no matter what my mood. I could be gone ten minutes, but when I returned, he greeted me like he hadn’t seen me in days. It was such a high for me.

Dogs are faithful and loyal, known for their unconditional love and affection for their owners. “[A] dog’s owner is a unique person from whom it seeks comfort, security and reassurance.” I used to wonder whether Cash loved me as much as I loved him. I mean, he couldn’t answer me when I asked him. Or could he? The answer is “yes,” he could! Besides being crazy happy when I walked through the door, he loved licking me. Although not everyone wants to be licked by a dog, he smothered me, licking my face and hands. I loved it! Dogs lick to show affection and love, and to bond with their owners. Apparently, “licking releases endorphins, which are feel-good chemicals in the brain, making the interaction pleasurable for both you and your dog. Sometimes when they lick their lips this can often be a sign of nerves or apprehension but if they’re licking you, you can be pretty sure they’re doing it to show love!” Dogs wag their tails which indicate they are happy and excited to see you. “The speed and direction of the tail wagging can also indicate different emotions. A slow wag can indicate uncertainty, while a fast wag with the tail held high can indicate excitement and happiness.”

Cash always brought me his toys. Dogs like giving their owners gifts to show how they love and trust them. Of course, like Cash, they may want to have a tug-of-war with you as soon as you grab it. But dogs want to play with their owners and share their toys. Cash always wanted to follow me, not only to be near me, but also, like other dogs, to feel secure and protected. He also loved cuddling with me, which is also something that makes dogs feel happy, secure, and strengthens the bond between you and your dog. Dogs also show their love by sleeping with you and staring into your eyes. “When your dog looks into your eyes, it’s a way for them to communicate their love and affection towards you.” And of course, most dogs want to protect you, and even better, comfort you when you are sad or upset. Cash did this all the time, as if he could see right through me. Dogs sense your feelings and emotions. “They may come and sit with you, cuddle with you, or even bring you a toy as a way of saying, “I’m here for you, and I love you.”

On a Friday morning, I sat on the floor in my veterinarian’s examination room so I could look into Cash’s eyes, hold him, and talk to him. He was lying on a comfortable cushion on the office bench with my wife seated next to him, petting him. I told him how much I loved him, what a good dog he was, and how “he was, and would always be, my best friend.” Then he closed his eyes and slipped away. I wrote this not only for myself, but also for all the dog lovers who cherish their dogs and like me, have come to realize that dogs are indeed man’s best friend. There are so many good dogs who have been abandoned and/or abused. To dog lovers everywhere – let’s see how we can help them.


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